
Rev. Joshua McLaren, Senior Pastor
Pastor Josh has been in Swartz Creek since January 2019. Pastor grew up in the thumb of Michigan in the tiny farming community of Owendale, MI, and is a third-generation Nazarene from the Gagetown Church of the Nazarene in neighboring Gagetown, MI.
Pastor earned his B.S. in Pastoral Ministry in 2012 and M.A. in Pastoral Ministry in 2022 at Olivet Nazarene University, where he also met his wife, Kylie. Pastor Josh was ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene in Kennewick, WA in 2017 while serving in his first parish in Republic, WA.
Apart from vocational ministry, Josh is also a volunteer firefighter with Gaines Township Fire Department, he tinkers with old cars (’64 beetle & ’76 F-150), loves to play slow-pitch softball, and enjoys the great outdoors. His greatest earthly joy, however, is found with his three children, Elise, Everett, and Emeline.
Rev. Lisa Crannie, Children’s Pastor
Pastor Lisa came into our Swartz Creek family in October of 2021 to continue following her call into ordained ministry. Pastor Lisa is nearly finished with her Course of Study work and is currently holds district minister’s license. She is doing an incredible job helping to organize our children’s ministry and outreach efforts.
Pastor Lisa also works for GM during the week, but brings an incredible supply of energy and creativity to the pastoral staff here at Swartz Creek. We’re thrilled to have her on board and look forward to navigating her call with her!
Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, Secretary
Elizabeth is our office secretary and the organized half of pastor’s brain. She’s likely who you’ll talk to when you call in and very capable of making sure whatever you need gets done. Her friendly smile, listening ear, and bowl of candy easily makes her the most popular person in the building!